Thursday 6 February 2014

Cahnman's Musings: The Kinsey Fraud

Cahnman's Musings: The Kinsey Fraud: With the obvious success of the Lena Dunham/Sandra Fluke pitch , Cahnman's Musings has been studying the origins of the sexual revolutio...

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Secret History: Kinsey's Paedophiles

Professor Alfred Kinsey
 I have always found it strange, how the world’s most famous sexologist, just used based his research on child sexuality on the details of sexual assault’s on children. Kinsey is no better than Dr Josef Mengele, now look at the effects of Kinsey diabolical research on society, you got the paedophile enablers quoting this mad scientist in an attempt to sound intelligent.

Professor Alfred Kinsey: ‘Children are sexual being from birth’
Oh really, then explain the existence of asexual human beings in nature, Kinsey was no scientist, he was a mad man.

The people at the Kinsey Institute who's still defending Kinsey seriously need to be run over by a bus.
Kinsey was fixated on getting and publishing the (apparently unquestioned) word of a serial child abuser. Did Kinsey ever once ask any survivors of abuse about their take on their own.Kinsey claimed the information was a reliable source for the activities and sexual appetites of the

I’m quite the leftist and I cannot stand Ben Sarpiro he is homophobic and transphobic, I do not like the way he is trying to infer that homosexuality is the same as incest. No one is a bigot for recoiling from and hating incest how can you call it incestphobia  moral relativism at its finest.

You Peadophile enablers got your wish.

Salon and National Review Online run articles attempting to "humanize" a self professed pedophile. Pedophile accuses 'haters' of being "monsters" for opposing his condition.

Thoughts don't become reality.

Carl Jung better than Freud/fraud

Carl Jung
The famous German psychiatrist Carl Jung did truly great pioneering work in psychiatry, but his name is rarely mentioned compared to Freud.
Sigmund Freud -analyze this-

Monday 3 February 2014

The Power of Self #TellSomebody

The Power of Self
A loss of control over whatever we use to guard our morality, opens the door to all sort of deviant behavior.
Watered down nihilism can lead to "binge drinking", taking illegal drugs, careless relationships, stupid ambitions etc.
As nihilism becomes more concentrated, how easy it is to excuse ourselves more serious transgressions as we live "on the edge" in our search for thrills.
Until, suddenly, all self respect is gone. All of the natural barriers to human behavior are forgotten.
Like a corrupt Roman Emperor with only power over ourselves, we lose it.

I’m quite the leftist and I cannot stand Ben Sarpiro he is homophobic and transphobic, I do not like the way he is trying to infer that homosexuality is the same as incest. No one is a bigot for recoiling from and hating incest how can you call it incestphobia  moral relativism at its finest.

You Peadophile enablers got your wish.

Salon and National Review Online run articles attempting to "humanize" a self professed pedophile. Pedophile accuses 'haters' of being "monsters" for opposing his condition.

‘The Uncontacted Peoples Peadophile argument’

It’s an unfortunate fact that the people of Samia tribe of Papua New Guinea, in this modern day practice peadophila however just because an isolated relatively primitive group of peoples engage in such a disgusting act does NOT give credence to it being practised and tolerated by people who live in MODERNITY.

Amazon Tribe

‘The Uncontacted Peoples argument’
Pro-peadophile argument
Just because people who inhabit  remote uncontacted islands, practise paedophila, polygamy and cannibalism  means the western modern world must them as role models, free from the ‘negative cultural barriers’  developed by those who live in modernity.